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Commission Calculator for Recruitment Agencies

Commission Calculator for Recruitment Agencies

Calculate commission rates with this handy tool

A good commission scheme will incentivise your recruiters to deliver on the company business plan by rewarding the right selling behaviour.

But recruitment commission rates can vary widely depending on a lot of different factors, and it can be hard to know what makes sense for your business and your team.

So if you're keen to set up a commission scheme but aren't sure how much you should be paying out, let our handy commission calculator tool do the work for you!

Our easy-to-use tool well assist you to...

  • Calculate monthly, quarterly and annual commission
  • Set monthly and annual thresholds
  • Set sales targets to measure commission rates

Download our free tool by simply filling out the form to the right, and you'll recieve a free copy straight to your inbox.

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About Firefish Software

Firefish Software is a sales and marketing platform that helps recruiters reach, engage and recruit top candidates before their competitors. To find out how our recruitment software can help you, book a chat with one of our Fish.