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5 Ways Your Website Is Losing You Business

Written by Cassandra Leung | Thu, Oct 15, 2015

Most recruiters nowadays recognise that businesses need a website to stand any chance of attracting new clients and candidates. However, not just any old thing will do – a badly put together recruitment website can result in you losing business as job seekers are discouraged from working with you based on how you present yourself online. Have a look at the top five ways your website is losing you business… And how to fix them!

It Gives a Bad First Impression

It only takes seven seconds to make a first impression but a lot can go wrong in that short space of time. Top offenders include: clashing colour schemes, text that’s difficult to read, poor web design, and bad branding. You’d never send a candidate to interview without ensuring they know how to make a good first impression, so follow your own advice when it comes to online presence. Fix up and look sharp!

It's Difficult to Use

A good recruitment website will be an absolute breeze to use and visitors will be able to find what they need with speed and ease. Put obstacles in their way, however, and potential candidates will leave frustrated and highly unlikely to return.  Poor website navigation and candidate journey will make it much harder for job seekers to find what they’re looking for and make any application process seem like a chore, so take a step back and make sure your website is organised and streamlined.

It's Boring or Self-Centred Content

It’s never fun chatting to someone who’s all “me, me, me,” and the same applies online. If you only publish content that’s about you, and for you, job seekers will feel like you’re more interested in lining your pockets than helping them secure the best job. Mix things up by supplying guides, resources and articles that your target market can really benefit from.

There Are No 'Next Steps'

Ever noticed how eBay has such a prominent ‘Buy it now’ button, or how TV advert narrators love to say, “Don’t delay, call today!”? They do it because it works. If someone is interested in what you have to offer, the natural next stop on their train of thought will be, “How do I proceed?” It’s all well and good to advertise the very best vacancies on your website, but if job seekers don’t know what to do with that information then publishing it is pointless. If you’re not telling job seekers how to apply for roles or get in touch with you, you’re giving away business to your competitors.

It's Not Mobile Friendly

52% of digital media is consumed on a mobile device. If your website isn’t mobile friendly then you’re alienating over half the population and saying that you don’t cater for them. And Google won’t like you either, as there’s less chance of job seekers finding your website if it’s not mobile friendly. Luckily, Google does want to help you and has provided a free tool that you can use to make sure mobile isn’t an obstacle, with helpful resources if your website isn’t quite there yet.

And we want to help you too! We’ve put together a free whitepaper on How to Build a Website that Job Seekers Will Love. It’s packed with tips and resources to help you win job seekers straight from your own website. Click below to download it now!