4 Things Top Billers Do Before 9am

If you’re not much of a morning person, you’re not going to like hearing this, but one thing nearly all big money-makers have in common is this: They make the most of their mornings! Every minute counts in a busy industry like recruitment, which is why using your mornings effectively comes with major perks.

Here are four things successful recruiters do before the clock hits 9am:

1. They do something for themselves

morning billers-minWe work in a really stressful environment, so starting the day in the right mindset is crucial if we want to get the most out of the day ahead.

Realistically, you have no idea when your day at the office will end, which means the mornings are your only chance to guarantee some guilt-free time to yourself.

So, whether it means going to the gym, treating yourself to a nice breakfast or sitting down to read the newspaper with a coffee, doing something for yourself before stepping into the office is how to start your day off on the right foot.

2. They get to the office early

Top billers don’t arrive at the office early just to get a head start on their workload – it’s much more tactful than that!

The real reason they get in early doors is that this is the perfect time to get decision-makers on the phone. Most business owners start their day in the office even earlier than the top billers do, so this when to catch them before their day gets too busy to talk to you.

And don’t let the secret get out on this one, but the pre-9am is when you’ll be able to dodge gate keepers too!

Getting into the office early also means you can clear your desk of any files, paperwork and coffee cups from the day before.

If you can get to inbox zero before 9am, you’re definitely on to a winner, but it doesn’t even need to go as far as this. As long as you know where you stand with your emails before the clock strikes and have responded to anything urgent, you’re ready for anything the day is going to throw your way.

Read: 5 Personality Traits of the Most Successful Recruiters

3. They write fail-proof to-do lists

Using your mornings to reflect on your short- and long-term goals is a really productive start to the day, as this is the only time you can get a really clear picture and prioritize appropriately.

Highly productive people will reflect on the previous day’s to-do list first thing in the morning, score off what’s been achieved and carry over what still needs tackled to a new to-do list so nothing falls through the cracks.

They’ll then break down, categorise and prioritise their tasks to ensure the most important things are done at the right time. Identifying the tasks that will take you a while to complete is a valuable skill to have in recruitment, and research has shown that you’ll have the most success if you approach these bigger tasks first.

4. They learn something new

The real high flyers in this industry are committed to making sure every minute of their day counts, and for many this also means capitalizing on your morning commute.

Depending on whether you drive, take a train or are close enough to walk to work, this could involve reading an industry blog, listening to a recruitment podcast, or watching a video to give yourself a motivational kickstart before you get through the door.

If you learn something in the morning and tell a colleague when you got to the office, you’re more likely to retain what you’ve learned. Stick to this habit and before you know it, you’ll be a black belt recruiter!

Make a point of doing these four things each morning before 9am and you’re guaranteed to improve your productivity, feel more motivated behind your desk and most importantly of all – increase your billing.

And if that's not enough motivation for you, download the eBook below to find out what other daily habits will make you a more effective recruiter.

Recruitment Habits

Alan McFadden

Alan is the Associate Director of Growth at Firefish. An agency recruiter in a former life, he loves helping recruiters find ways to recruit smarter.

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