4 Ways to Beat Being Too Busy

So much to do, so little time! Recruiters, you don’t need me to tell you how busy you are and how many tasks you’re currently juggling. But if you want to know how to keep on top of your workload, reduce the frantic busy feeling and keep your hair... read on!

List, list, list

Take 10 minutes out of your day, get yourself a cuppa and make a good old fashioned list of everything you need to do. This helps you to regroup and focus on exactly what you need to be working on that day/week/month. And it’s the best feeling when you get to score it off as done!

The trick is to get the small things out of the way first. Got a quick email to send to a candidate? Do it first! You’ll feel good about getting something checked off your list early in the day and it’ll motivate you to keep going and tackle the bigger tasks.

Ditch the spreadsheets

Are you a bit old school in your working methods, and still using a spreadsheet and your inbox? No wonder your work is piling up and you feel busier than ever! As a nation obsessed with technology it’s time to get tech savvy with your working habits. Investing in an applicant tracking system is a great way to bring your business smack bang into the 21st century. And as an added bonus, it saves SO MUCH TIME! With a good ATS you will be able to cut time spent on those admin tasks that we all hate like logging notes and follow ups, as an ATS gives you handy reminders and helps you to create that to do list you need!

Okay, so we know that getting used to a new ATS can take a bit of time and the whole argument here is that you’re just too busy for life... so what to do? The secret is picking an ATS that provides great training and has simple workflows that will make keeping on top of everything way to easy. It’s also worth noting that completing training on your new system is key to your success. Organise your training at a time that’s going to be suitable and make sure you block out enough time to do this with no distractions.

As well as making time for your training, it’s also super important to dedicate manpower to any set-up that your chosen ATS may require, as without this you’re not going to get the results you need. Spend a few hours with your head completely in your new system getting everything in place. Combined with your training, this will ensure you’re utilising the ATS to its full potential. And before you know it you’ll see a difference in your business...not to mention your stress levels! No more raking around in your inbox, spreadsheets or filling cabinets, everything you need can be found at the click of a button!

Do it now

Just off a call and have points to action? If you can, do it right away whilst it’s fresh in your mind. Waiting until later, when you’re trying to remember half of the conversation you’ve forgotten and deciphering illegible notes you’ve made will inevitably take you twice as long. If you can’t do it right away, make yourself a note of the key points to prompt you later and try to make them legible!

It’s okay to say no

Obviously you want to bill as much as possible, but if you’re already feeling the strain, can you really afford to take on any more? If you’re overstretched you’ll find yourself dropping the ball. You’ll lose more than just fees when your reputation drops for not being top of your game!

Getting worked up about the amount of work you’ve got on your plate won’t help in busy times, so try not let yourself get too stressed! Using lists, having a great ATS and keeping on top of your tasks will certainly help you to bring your A game every time!

Credit: Image from Iosphere and Stuart Miles via freedigitalphotos.net

roductivity Hacks for Recruiters

Louise Cunningham

Louise is the Associate Director of Customer here at Firefish. She loves on-boarding new customers, cups of tea and dancing like no one is watching.

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