How to Find the Value of Your Data

Most recruiters don’t realise that they’re sitting on a goldmine. Every time a new CV comes in from a candidate there should be a soft ‘chink’ sound in your head; because the information contained within these documents can help you win more leads, place more candidates, and make more money. All you need to do is use them right.

find_the_value_of_your_data_KROMKRATHOG__stockimages_-_freedigitalphotos.netFiguring out where to start when faced with a large recruitment database can be intimidating, so we’ve put together this guide on how to get started finding the value of your data (spoilers: it’s not hard!) The important thing to remember is that you already have this data. You’re just taking the next step and bringing your database to life.

Inside the guide you’ll find out:

  • How to identify your valuable data

  • What other businesses and sectors have done with data

  • The key steps you need to take to get started

Identifying how your data can be most profitable to you is something we are passionate about at Firefish. If you feel the same, download the guide below and get reading! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Find The Value Of Your Data

Credit - Images from KROMKRATHOG and stockimages  

Alex Blott

Alex is a freelance marketer and podcast host working in Glasgow.

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