Recruiters, Which Firework Describes You Best?

Fireworks night is here, and it’s got us thinking: which firework describes your recruitment personality best? Here's the six fireworks that describe the various recruiters that we all know...

1. The Rocket: a total blast

A rocket recruiter never stops, hammering out the phone calls and flying around the place at a million miles per hour.

They’re bright and full of energy, which makes them great company in the office, and they almost always fire their way to target (albeit, a bit chaotically!).

If you’re a recruitment rocket, you could easily become a top biller. You just need to organise your desk, adjust your KPIs and focus on tasks that’ll make you money.  That way, you’ll keep hitting targets and avoid burning out too soon.

2. The Catherine Wheel: a headless chicken

Catherine wheels make a lot of noise when going about their day, but they don’t tend to get very far.  

This type of recruiter puts in a lot of hard graft but never seems to get much done, because they’re running around in circles, chasing their tail and following the same processes over and over again. And they wonder why they never get better results!

If you’re feeling like a bit of a Catherine Wheel right now, don’t worry - you can get yourself out of your tailspin. You just need to take a step back and think about how to update and improve your recruitment strategy so you can start recruiting smart, not hard.

3. The Sparkler: a deliverer

A sparkler recruiter lights up every room they walk into. They’re a people person, a constant deliver, and they’re reliable too. They’re great with candidates and clients alike and their easy-going nature makes them immensely likeable.

If you’re a Sparkler, make the most of your strong client and candidate relationships. Referrals and reviews are your secret weapon, and repeat business with your existing clients is your go-to money-maker every month.

4. The Girandola: a target-hitter  

Girandola recruiters are target-focused and process-driven: they know where they’re going and they know exactly how to get there. Recruiters like this are never take their eye off the ball and smash their target every month.

If you’re a Girandola, we’re not going to suggest you change your process as it’s obviously working for you! But it’s still important to try out new things. The market is changing and our candidate needs are changing too, so as recruiters, we need to adapt our strategy to keep up with them.

5. The Flying Fish: an over-promiser

This type of recruiter has a habit of over-promising and under-delivering.

They peak far too early, billing half of their target in the first week of the month, which makes their performance especially anti-climactic when they deliver nothing else. What’s worse, they forecasted billing four times their target in the first place.

If you’re feeling like a bit of a flying fish this month, don’t panic - you can still turn things around! Check out our blog on what to do when you’re behind on your recruitment targets – and swim yourself to safety.

6. The Willow: a perm master

 Willow recruiters place candidates for the long haul. Their candidates breeze through their probationary period, and this is the stuff that gets them lots of repeat business. Like their firework namesake, their impact is felt long after their initial bang.

If you’re a willow, your clients love you because they know you can get the job done, meaning you’re perfectly set up to start pitching retainers.

There are tonnes of benefits to working on a retained basis – use our eBook to build your pitch and start getting paid before you place!

Recruitment Retainers

Sophie Cunningham

Sophie is a Content Marketer here at Firefish! After working as a 360 Recruiter she found her perfect niche here at Firefish writing about recruitment.

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