Google Analytics for Recruiters: The Basics

As a recruiter, monitoring website analytics probably isn’t a task that comes naturally to you - and even if it does, it’s not likely to be very high up on your to-do list!

That said, you’ve undoubtedly put a lot of work (and money!) into your website, so you need to make sure it’s working for you.

How to get started with Google Analytics as a recruiter

Every recruiter has heard of Google Analytics, and every recruiter deep down probably knows they should check out what it’s all about. But where do you start?


We’ve produced a free eBook purely to help recruiters get set up with Google Analytics, understand the basics of how it works and most importantly - how it can help you improve your online recruitment strategy.

To give you an idea of the kind of great insights recruiters can learn from our Google Analytics eBook, consider this: Have you ever asked yourself the following questions....

  • What words are candidates using to search for my jobs?
  • Am I getting a good retunr on my job board spend?
  • How do I know what website a candidate clicked to find my website?
  • Are my job ads appearing in Google for Jobs?
  • How many of my website visitors are using a mobile phone/device?
  • Is my social recruitment strategy working? Am I focussing on the right channels?
  • How many new candidates are viewing my jobs vs. candidates already in my database?

A while ago, we did a quick survey amongst a panel of recruitment agencies and it became clear that these were ithe kinds of questions agencies found most pertinent - so we decided to produce an eBook that would help you find the answers! 

Google Analytics is a free analytical tool from Google, so there’s no excuse not to give it a go. And if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the termonology, we've also included a glossary of the most commonly used terms when talking Google Analytics, so don't sweat!

Click to download your free copy below:

hands holding tablet with google analytics graphs

Once you've mastered Google Analytics - why not check out my other blog on Google Webmaster Tools for Recruiters.

Sooz Kinsella

Sooz Kinsella is Marketing Manager. In her spare time she loves to spend time with her family.

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