Online Recruitment Marketing - The Basics

Over the last number of years, the world of recruitment marketing has taken a shift. Now there is a high dependency on the Internet and recruiters must be aware of how to optimise their use of this service. Here I will explain the basic tips which I think are essential in becoming an online expert:

Maintain an up-to-date website

The first and most important step for recruiters is to have an up-to-date jobs section on their website. If a client is interested in your agency, then the first place they will look is on your website to gain a better idea of whether working with you could be a good fit. The jobs page on your site must be up-to-date, showing that you’re active online and would be all over advertising their jobs! It’s always essential to have the careers or jobs section in an accessible area on the website. If not, clients will get frustrated and will quickly click on the X in the top right hand corner of their page. Finally, the website must be welcoming, and this can be achieved through very small details, such as the colours chosen for the website layout, or the photos chosen to best describe the company practice.

Set up email updates

One of the most effective aspects about receiving daily/weekly/monthly emails is that they are personalised. Candidates will respond well to this as they automatically feel as though the recruiter wants to help them. Email updates are extremely important for the recruiters in order to target those passive candidates that no-one else has access to.

The email must always be brief and concise. When an email appears to be more than a paragraph, the initial reaction can be to disregard it entirely. However, one of the advantages of email marketing is that the candidate will have initially allowed the recruiter access to their email address, therefore he/she is expecting to receive various emails and should be able to manage these accordingly. This can allow recruiters to focus on maintaining a strong relationship with existing candidates. Another important reminder for recruiters when creating these emails is to ensure that the titles of the email subjects are eye catching. Those few words are crucial as they really determine whether a client will choose to read the email or not.

Develop social media networks 

More or less all businesses are now operating from social media networks, therefore, recruiters must also be in on this trend. The world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn seems to have taken over. A high number of people worldwide spend a good part of their day surfing these different social network sites. Many candidates (especially young adults) first port of call is to check social media pages for updates, so why not target them where they are most likely to read and engage with you? The hashtag symbol is now probably one of the most powerful tools in terms of creating awareness, so don’t forget to hashtag your tweets. Being an active tweeter and remaining current with all of the changes related to social media can really increase popularity. Another tactic to use in increasing awareness is to add a sense of humour to social media posts. This can be done by using photos, quotes, tagging various people etc. This is bound to start getting you noticed on social, as well as promoting your brand.

Be mobile ready

I’m sure that most people, before going anywhere, will check their bags and pockets to ensure that their smartphone is safely tucked away. The reality is that people now rely on their mobile phones to do almost everything! So why not follow the trend and make sure that your website is responsive so that candidates can review job positions from the comfort of, well, anywhere.
How to source candidates on LinkedIn

Sarah MacLellan

Sarah lives in Glasgow working in marketing, with a particular focus on digital marketing.

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