4 Favours to Do Yourself This Festive Season

It’s the week before Christmas and half the office are fortunate (or quick!) enough to have booked the time off in advance. Clients aren’t in the office, candidates aren’t taking calls, and the urge to give in and cut out paper snowflakes to the tones of Cliff Richard is strong! But don’t let it take you over just yet – use this time wisely to get ahead of your competitors and do yourself four favours that’ll help bring in presents in the form of placements next year.

1. Send clients a heartfelt thanks for their business this year

4_Favours_This_Festive_Season_1.pngA lot of agencies might send out company e-cards to their clients over the festive period, but I’m willing to bet that very few of those are in any way personal. Pull out a list of all the clients you’ve done business with this year and extend a warm personalised thanks that lets them know you’re looking forward to working together again soon. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy but just imagine how nice it’ll be for your client to receive a short note of gratitude, and see that you’ve remembered it’s their new-born’s first Christmas. This will definitely put you in their good books, and at the top of the call list!

2. Wish prospects a happy festive season over email

Keep it nice and light when contacting prospects you’ve been unable to work with as of yet, with seasonal greetings. The trick here is to use a soft approach that lets them know you’re still interested, but know when is appropriate to ask for business. That means not right now! Associate yourself with positive vibes while people are in a good mood and they’ll be happier to hear from you in the New Year, and ultimately more likely to give you that job spec when the time is right. Use the person’s name in the subject of the email – something like, “Happy Holidays, Hazel!” or “Thanks, Peter, and Season’s Greetings!” It’ll take a little longer but will have a higher chance of being opened – and appreciated. Bulk emails can be a great time saver during busy periods, but this quieter time is perfect for going the extra mile without having to stay late, so give it a go!

3. Send holiday wishes to candidates you’ve placed this year 

We’re big on a great candidate journey, and so are candidates! This is a great time to let those you’ve placed know that you still care, and make sure that things are still going well for them. Most recruiters disappear after a placement has been made, or at best once the rebate period for their fee has lapsed, so prove to your candidates that you’re not like the rest by dropping them a quick, cheery line. Some of their friends and family are bound to have, “find a new job,” on their list of New Year’s resolutions, so make yourself the recruiter to recommend.

4. Tease passive candidates with New Year requirements

And what is this magical time of year without a little allure? Have a look your outstanding requirements and come up with lists of star candidates that you’d love to represent for each. Most will be too busy enjoying time with their families to pursue anything right now, and hiring managers won’t interview until the New Year, but there’s no harm in dangling something attractive in front of those you think you could help with their career. This is another soft approach to let passive candidates know that you have something that could be great for them in the next month or two, but by not asking to chat with them about it just yet, you’re leaving the snowball in their court and giving them something to think about. You might be surprised by who asks to arrange a call in January!

How else do you help out your future-self during quieter times? Give the gift of knowledge by commenting below. And happy holidays!

build a great candidate journey

Cassandra Leung

Cassandra is a Tester, UX enthusiast, blogger, speaker, software investigator, quality activist. Ex-product owner, -business analyst.

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