How to Assess (and Improve) Your Agency's Social Media Presence

Assessing your recruitment agency’s social media presence is quite straightforward to do, but it can be hard to know where to start. Not only are there a lot of channels and targets to consider, but social media is constantly evolving – which is why it’s important to keep up!

Here’s how to assess and improve your social media strategy…

Establish your social KPIs 

how-to-assess-and-update-your-social-1It’s easy to get carried away thinking about all the data you could look into, but it’s important to distinguish between vanity metrics and the ones that actually bring a valuable return.

For example, you might be tracking follows, shares and comments, but what about job ad clicks, share of social traffic to job pages and conversions of social contacts to placements?

To decide which metrics actually matter, find out where your candidate and client leads come from on social, how they converted and what sort of content or tactics pulled them in. Use this information to set KPIs that get tangible results and replicate this success moving forward.

Focus on the channels that matter 

Don’t waste time posting regularly on platforms that don’t bring ROI. Look through your CRM to find the main social media sources of your candidates and clients and focus on these.

Once you’ve gathered this data, you can break it down to learn which channels are best for pulling in prospects and which ones pull in the placeable candidates, so you can see where each target group spends their time.

By tracking this information, you can better target each group on their preferred platforms and start building detailed recruitment marketing personas.

Benchmark yourself against successful accounts 

One of the best ways to improve your social presence is to learn from content and brands that get great engagement.

Here are some good places to look when you’re searching for inspiration and content to benchmark yourself against:

1. Big brands that get better engagement than you’d expect - Don’t just focus on other recruitment agencies (although there are some brilliant examples of agencies killing it on Instagram and Twitter). Also look at brands you wouldn’t expect to be pulling in a huge social media following, but somehow do.

2. Influential recruitment brands – Keep an eye on your competitor accounts, content, followers and how people are engaging with their posts. Benchmark yourself against them, learn from their mistakes and strive to be the best in your industry.

3. Your own social campaigns – List up the figures your agency has been achieving recently, as well as the highest metrics you’ve achieved over the same period so you can start to compete with yourself. These figures will show you what your recruitment agency can comfortably achieve, but also give you an idea of what it could reach if it were really stretching to its full potential.

Access you timing 

video tools for social mediaThe best times to post on your social channels will change over time and fluctuations in the market can affect this too: Reports have shown that Covid-19 has had a big impact on the best times to post on social.

With so much ongoing change, the optimum posting times are likely to continue to alter throughout the last quarter of the year, so it’s definitely something to keep an eye on.

And while there are always new publications coming out listing the ‘best times to post’ on different platforms, the times that work best for your agency will likely be particular to your audience and niche.

So try posting content at different times to see when your target audience are the most engaged and base your decisions on the data.

Make it a team effort

The biggest champions of your recruitment agency’s brand should always be the recruiters themselves. It may surprise you to learn that brand messages shared by employees get 8x more engagement than posts shared by the company account.

Encouraging your recruiters to maintain personal branded accounts where they share highly relevant, engaging content will show that both they and your brand are influential in your niche.

As brand advocates, your team should be sharing out the company’s own content, but other relevant industry content too. On these personal accounts, they’re able to express their opinions on industry news, engage in discussion and show a bit of personality – which is great for the brand.

A good social media strategy needs a great marketing plan behind it. Use the eBook below to create a marketing plan pulls in top candidates and clients for your agency.

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Amy McLaughlin

As Senior Digital Marketer at Firefish, Amy keeps our Firefish customers up to date with the latest news from the Aquarium.

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