4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence to Increase Prospecting Success

Confidence is key to prospecting success. If there’s any doubt in your mind, clients and prospects will know and you’ll lose business time after time. A bad day leads to a bad week leads to a bad quarter and the negativity that comes along with this pattern ensures you’ll struggle to ever turn it around. So, to help you, we’ve put together a blog covering 4 ways to boost confidence to increase prospecting success. Here’s what we’ve come up with…

1.      Be Aware of Negative Thoughts

4 Ways to Boost Confidence to Increase Prospecting Success.pngAn obvious but important one is being aware of negative thoughts. Understand the triggers that will lead to negativity and be aware of how you’ll combat those moments. Of course, we’ve all had bad prospecting calls, bad days, and even bad weeks, but you can’t let it get you down. Instead you must guard your thoughts and stay positive. It only takes one good phone call to turn it all around. Positivity is key in recruitment – when you’re doing well, it’s easy to place candidates and get jobs on. So, when times are tough, make sure you know you can turn it all around again.

2.      Believe in Your Candidates

You need to know your candidates inside and out when pitching them to clients and prospects. There should be no secrets here, nothing that could surprise you. So, get to know your candidates, check their references, know their background, the type of company they’re looking to be a part of, and what they’re looking for from a good role. In doing this, you’ll find it much easier to confidently pitch your candidates to prospects and clients. This makes it much easier for clients and prospects to buy into you and the candidate you’re promoting.

3.      Talk to the Best Recruiter in Your Agency

If you’re struggling with your prospecting efforts, seek out the best recruiter in your agency and ask them to mentor you. This will provide you with a wealth of insights that are relevant to your agency and the sector you specialise in. A good tip here is to get this recruiter to listen in to your prospecting/client facing calls and review what’s working and what isn’t. This type of actionable feedback will help you become far more confident and comfortable in your pitch.

Read: Here are the Best Times to Make Business Development Calls

4.      View Every Situation as an Opportunity to Learn

Remember those bad days and bad weeks we mentioned? The best thing you can do is to view these moments as learning opportunities. If something didn’t work, get to the bottom of why that is. So, if you don’t succeed with a client, make sure you understand what went wrong and how you can improve next time around. Again, consult the expert recruiter in your agency and get some feedback. Then apply that knowledge to your pitch and you’ll find that success is much easier in the future.

Another good tip here is to ask the client for feedback. After spending loads of time on a particular job, it’s worth understanding why it didn’t work out. Your client is well positioned to give you that answer. This also means you can give specific, relevant feedback to your candidate making it easier for them to prepare for future job opportunities.

So, those are our 4 insights into how you can increase positivity and boost your prospecting efforts. It really is all about your perspective and you can always change it! Keep that in mind next time a call goes badly and don’t let it become a trend.

If you’d like further help and insights, download our whitepaper below detailing some key productivity hacks to help you work smarter, not harder.

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Cameron McLennan

Cameron McLennan works within recruitment technology industry. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his family and playing golf.

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