How to Manage a Candidate Job Offer to Success

Recruiters and employers alike know just how treacherous managing a candidate job offer can be. The long time to hire and follow up periods mean candidates often have four weeks between signing a contract and starting their new job, and they're often juggling other job options too. For this reason, it's important that you manage candidate job offers in the most effective way possible - ensuring you best-position yourself for success.

In highly skilled and competitive industries a job offer is no guarantee that a position will be filled. Good recruiters know that candidate management is key in order to successfully make a placement. So what can you do to increase the likelihood of a job offer turning into a placement that lasts
longer than the probationary period? Find out in the eBook.

What's in the eBook?

  • Job offer management strategies
  • The language used in the job offer
  • The importance of clear and consistent communication

Remember, job offer management is a process, not a pitch. It's important to take your candidate on a clear and well-planned journey straight from the application stage right through to your client's workplace. It's also important to have a certain degree of flexibility, meaning you can tailor elements of the process to the needs of each candidate.

Download our free eBook and discover how to effectively manage and guide a candidate from the offer stage, through signing the contract, to a successful placement that lasts longer than the probation period.

How to manage a candidate job offer

Andy Mckendry

Andy Mckendry is a copywriter with an MA in Professional Writing. In the early mornings he is known to gravitate towards the nearest coffee pot.

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