[Podcast] Greg Savage on The Future of Recruitment

Today at Firefish HQ we’re proud to announce the pilot episode of our new podcast is live and ready for you to listen to!

Greg Savage PodcastWe love podcasts, and it’s long been on our to-do list to put one of our own together that serves the needs of all recruiters who want to grow and improve; Whether they're running a desk, or managing a company.

We were thrilled to have the brilliant Greg Savage on board for our maiden voyage, and took some time to speak with him about his upcoming speaking events in the UK, as well as his thoughts on the future of recruitment.

Greg will be in London on the 20th of October, and Manchester on the 21st. Tickets for London have sold out, but Manchester tickets are still available and can be booked on the REC website.

The Firefish recruitment podcast

The whole show runs a little over 35 minutes long. If you’re short on time, here are some show notes to help you find the stuff you most want to listen to:

[01:25] Greg's introduction

[08:00] Greg warns against the ‘false horizon’ recruiters may currently be experiencing.

[09:45] The skills that recruiters have forgotten/lack

[16:05] The state of the UK market, identifying what needs to change, and combating ‘yesterdays mindset’.

[17:30] Challenges for recruitment business owners, and the need to disrupt before someone disrupts you

[18:40] Building a strong digital footprint and changing the definition of what a candidate is

[20:15] Greg tackles something close to our hearts; The fact that databases are 'candidate graveyards’

[22:00] Stop chasing PSLs and learn to walk away from unprofitable clients

[24:50] Top tech isn’t enough. You need top level influencing skills as well

[26:25] Candidates on Job boards are inferior because everyone has them. You need to build an online and social community

[28:30] Predictive Recruitment, and how creating a conversion that funnels candidates is essential

[32:55] Greg rounds up with a call for us to look to the future, and take steps with long term implications. Recruiters need to be strategic, or risk losing out.

So, what did you think? We'd love to hear your feedback, as well as what you'd like more of. Post them in the comments below, or email us at info@firefishsoftware.com

CTA Image for the Predictive Recruitment Podcast

Alan Hiddleston

Alan is an advisor here at Firefish with experience in both sales and marketing.

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