[Podcast] From Corporate Giant to SME Recruitment Agency Owner

For this month's podcast, Wendy is joined by Iain Blair - Founder and Managing Director of specialist technology recruitment agency, Revoco. In this episode, Iain tells the story of his entrepreneurial journey from founding and managing a recruitment corporate giant to then starting up a specialist SME recruitment agency in Bristol.

Podcast image - revoco.fw.pngWith more than 20 years working in the recruitment sector, Iain has loads of invaluable tips and insights for recruitment businesses at that vital growth stage, and a really great story to share!

Listen to the podcast for more on...

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Show notes

[1:30] Iain's Background: Learning the trade at Best as a resourcer, then consultant, then team leader and finally heading up their Bristol office. Moving on to Resource Solutions Group and then starting a brand new business called 'Rethink' in 2005. Grew to scale quickly. Using a lot of investment cash in year one to hit 50 staff.

[4:10] What was it like building a business in three locations. How did you keep the three as a single entity?

[5:30] Growth was the name of the game in the beginning. Focusing on getting to that critical mass so you can build a culture.

[6:30] How to determine your critical mass as a company. And what the costs are of getting growth wrong.

[7:20] Burning through 900k in their first year getting up to scale in order to turn profit in year two.

[9:20] What happened next after a second year that exceeded expectations. What milestones does Iain define Rethink's progression with?

[11:15] One of Iain's regrets: Making the decision to float Rethink on the AIM market in 2009. 

[13:50] What is it to go from working for a private company to a listed one.

[15:25] Making the decision to leave Rethink and start a new business in Revoco. Creating an SME that will expand at a steady pace.

[19:50] What are the differences when competing as an SME  in comparison to competing as a corporate?

[23:00] How as SME's you source tools that allow you to be stay nimble and make big decisions.

[25:30] Where Iain sees Revoco going, and how he's making it a different recruitment business.

You can connect with Iain via LinkedIn, Twitter (@iainBlairUK) or the Revoco Instagram account.

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Wendy McDougall

Wendy McDougall is Chief Fish of Firefish Software. In her spare time, you'll find her playing squash or feeding her inner geek with the latest technology!

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