Recruitment Blog 2024 | Firefish Blog

Maximizing Your Recruitment Marketing

Written by Amy McLaughlin | Mon, Sep 27, 2021

Q4 has a reputation for being the worst time of year for filling roles. But as a marketer, the tactics you do can have a major impact on your agency’s output.

You have the power to help your recruiters ramp up their billings and reach their annual target.

So what can you be doing to maximise your marketing efforts in Q4?

1. Stick to what works

You might be tempted to take Q4 head-on with big and bold marketing ideas but it’s best to save the experiments for a fresh year. Instead, focus your efforts on the marketing tactics you know work for your agency.

Look back at the year’s metrics, paying close attention to your most successful campaigns: Which actions had the biggest impact this year? You know they work, so let them influence your Q4 plan.

By putting your strongest tactics into your Q4 marketing strategy, you’ll avoid wasting time on the  activities that won't get you the results you need. Instead, you’ll have a solid strategy in place that will bring in clients and candidates throughout the quarter.

2. Focus on your existing business

As marketers, we focus a lot of our time on advertising to new business, and not enough time engaging with our current clients – this is a bad habit we need to break.

As a rule, around 80% of business comes from 20% of existing customers, so if you’re not marketing to your existing clients then you’re wasting huge potential. Instead of concentrating all your efforts on new business in Q4, take time to target your existing customers.

Implement a customer marketing strategy and continue to engage with them throughout the quarter. These are pre-established relationships, meaning you have a solid foundation to go off.  It's a simple case of reminding them of the value you bring.  Stay visible and let them know you have their hiring needs in mind and the moment they need a new hire you’ll be the first agency they call.

3. Put budget behind your actions

Q4 is all about working towards your agency’s annual targets – but with time running out, recruiters need your help!

Putting budget behind your actions is a sure-fire way to give your marketing activities a boost. But before throwing money at any old campaign, it's essential to align your goals with the goals of your recruiters – this will ensure you target the right channels for the quarter. 

It's also a good time to reassess the marketing channels you’re already spending money on – are they still bringing you a good ROI? It could be that your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns have gone stale, in which case you can reassign the budget to different keywords or invest in a different channel to suit the current market.

And of course, it’d be counterproductive to waste your budget in the final months of the year, so it's best to keep a close eye on your campaigns and fine-tune them throughout the quarter.

4. Ramp up your social activity

Around 79% of candidates use social media to look for jobs, and in the last quarter of the year social media engagement increases by 40%. This makes it an ideal time to ramp up your social recruitment activity.

But we all know that getting noticed on social media is easier said than done. With so much competition to go against, it’s hard to cut through the noise and stay firmly at the top of candidates’ newsfeeds. So if you really want to make an impact this quarter, why not run a paid social recruitment strategy. This will open you up to a new pool of potential candidates and get you the instant exposure you need to help your recruiters smash their targets. 

Download: How to Use Paid Social in Recruitment

5.  Let your clients do some marketing for you

When the Christmas period rolls in, it’s good to show your clients some appreciation for all their support. And while sending out a stack of Christmas cards with a generic message inside is one way to do it, it’s better to get creative and brand up your gifts. In my experience, if you send out attention-grabbing gifts and take time to personalise your messages, your clients will do some marketing for you.

I recommend sending out branded swag that you know your customers will love to snap and share on their social channels. It’s a super simple way to create buzz around your brand and make a lasting impression on your clients (and future prospects!).

Download the eBook below to learn how to develop a solid marketing plan for your recruitment agency.